Advanced Care
Thompson Center for Dentistry offers treatment that goes beyond the standard dental care options to bring patients a number of procedures that can improve their health and their day-to-day lives. From techniques designed to soothe anxiety during dental treatment to procedures that can address periodontal conditions and serious sleep disorders, our dentists in Chula Vista are committed to helping you meet your needs.
Sedation Dentistry
Does dental anxiety make you have second thoughts about obtaining necessary dental care? If so, we offer an advanced sedation dentistry technique that can help you relax throughout your treatment. Oral conscious sedation can alleviate fear and anxiety and provide a more comfortable – even pleasant – treatment experience.
Sleep Apnea and Snoring Treatment
Sleep apnea and heavy snoring are serious conditions that can cause debilitating, even life-threatening health issues. Many cases of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are caused by the relaxation of soft tissues in oral cavities which block a normal passage of air from flowing during sleep. This can cause loud snoring and complete breathing pauses that last several seconds. Untreated sleep apnea can increase numerous health risks, including stroke, high blood pressure, gastric reflux, depression, and sudden cardiac death, among many others. It can affect both adults and children, and it often goes unnoticed unless a loved one observes an individual’s sleeping habits. Fortunately, our practice offers a range of treatment options for patients who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. These options include customized oral appliances, continuation of C-PAP treatment, and phase-1 orthodontics for children to aid in the prevention of sleep apnea.
The frenum is a piece of muscle tissue that is noticeable between the upper two front teeth. For some people, the frenum can be so thick that it causes a space or a gap between those teeth. It can also cause problems with speaking, difficulty finding dentures that fit comfortably, gum disease, bone loss, and even tooth loss. A frenectomy can gently trim away the excess tissue and address the concern. This procedure can often be accomplished with advanced laser therapies instead of surgical techniques.
In some cases of severe gum disease, a gingivectomy may be necessary to remove certain areas of the affected tissue. A gingivectomy can eliminate inflamed and unhealthy gum tissue and reshape the gums around the teeth to close periodontal pockets. This is a commonly performed procedure and can have a positive impact on both the health and appearance of your gums.
Osseous Surgery
Gaps and pockets that develop along the gumline can often be addressed with osseous surgery. This treatment is designed to eliminate the potential for bacteria to breed in these areas, reducing the pockets so that gum tissue holds a tighter grip around the teeth. Osseous surgery is typically performed for patients who are in more advanced stages of gum disease.
Bone Grafting
Bone grafting can be ideal for patients who have had significant bone loss in the jaw. This treatment is often a good solution for individuals who desire a dental implant, but do not currently have sufficient jawbone density to accommodate the implant. A bone graft utilizes donor bone material to strengthen the jawbone in the area of the missing tooth, thereby making it better able to secure a dental implant. Bone grafting can also be necessary to prevent future tooth movement and other concerns that can be caused by bone deterioration.
Sinus Lifts
Sinus lift procedures can often be ideal for patients who have previously not qualified for dental implants because of inadequate bone density in the upper back areas of the mouth. It is not uncommon for these parts of the jaw to experience bone deterioration, and a sinus lift treatment can help develop stronger bone and improve the area’s ability to accommodate an implant. While a sinus lift is not necessary for all patients considering dental implants, it has helped many patients who were previously told they were not candidates to qualify for the treatment.
Do you have questions about our advanced care procedures? Please contact Thompson Center for Dentistry today for more information, or to schedule a consultation.